Distance: 14km
Hiking duration: 3h 45min
Total duration (hiking + rest): 5h 00min
Total ascent: 549m
Total descent: 1437m
Accommodation: Casa do Ribeiro Frio
This was one of the favorite places we stayed in Madeira. We had a double room with a private shower, while the whole place has a common kitchen and living room. Basically, it is an apartment with showers in every room.
The best part was that nobody else stayed there, so we had the whole living room to ourselves. As we (again) arrived soaking wet, it was awesome to just chill on a couch under a warm blanket. We really enjoyed our stay in this place.
The reception is in the restaurant nearby and we ate dinner there as well. They have typical local dishes and the food is great. For our room, we paid 53 Eur.
Overall impression: We woke up to rain, which didn’t seem to stop since yesterday. I was hoping for a clearing to be able to visit Pico Ruivo but that was not the case. However, soon after we started our hike toward Pico do Arieiro, the clouds started to part a bit, and all of a sudden we could see the mountains around us.
The landscape between the two peaks was really impressive with sharp mountains rising around us. The remaining clouds just made it more dramatic
It was a steep walk, many times along cliffs and with many stairs involved. We even got to cross a few tunnels! Some of those were pitch black so it was a cool intermezzo.
Towards Pico do Arieiro we started meeting more and more people as this section of the island is very popular with tourists. Soon the weather turned into a horrible mix of rain and wind and again we could only see a bit of the path. As it was very narrow and steep, some of those sections looked pretty scary.
Close to Pico do Arieiro we met several groups of day hikers heading towards Pico Ruivo. They asked us hopefully whether the weather is better there. Well… Maybe another day
After lunch at the restaurant at the top, we headed towards Ribeiro Frio. This was a shady section to hike as there was no official hiking trail leading to it. For a bit, we hiked on the road while cars passed us in misty/rainy weather (it was not nice). Then we turned towards a hiking path, which soon mysteriously disappeared and we were left in the middle of nowhere.
We decided to look for an alternative path for a bit, otherwise, get back to the road and try to get a taxi. After some weird navigation, we found a marked path, woohoo! However, it soon became very steep and we figured it was some crazy bike path. We were so close to Ribeiro Frio though, that we decided to continue on it, grabbing a nearby metal fence and trying not to slide down.
Once we made it to an actual path, we looked back at the trail we had just come from and couldn’t believe there was a trail. From below it just looked like a bushy steep hill. Looking back, we should have probably gotten a taxi from Pico do Arieiro to Ribeiro Frio. All that sad hike was not anything to the experience.
Ribeiro Frio greeted us with clearing skies and tranquil paths along levadas. We were so glad to get out of the mountains, which were really not that welcoming to us.